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求一篇英语作文(Should Athletes Be Role Models?)
作文名字,Should Athletes Be Role Models?要包含以下几点、1.有些人认为运动员应该成为年轻人的榜样2.有些人却不这么想3.我认为、、、、、
作文名字,Should Athletes Be Role Models?要包含以下几点、1.有些人认为运动员应该成为年轻人的榜样2.有些人却不这么想3.我认为、、、、、
Nowdays it becomes more and more popular that people look at athletes as role models.However,people's opinions differ a lot on this point.For many people athletes are the role models in their hearts.They consider the successful athletes as superstars in mind.Athletes should not accept the responsibility of being role models while they accept all the glory and the money.As athletes appear in public,if they become role models,there will be so many advantages .A positive role model influences people's live in a positive way away from the court and gives of himself in time or in moneyto help who look up to him.Also he/she displays the values-like honesty and detemination-that are part of being agood person.In a word,athletes can't choose to be role models but only choose to be a good or a bad one.So there exists a opposite point that athletes should not to be role models .Because these days there are so many stories about the criminal activities of athletes that sports pages are beginning to look like police report .To become a star ahtlete,you have to have an extremely competitive outlook and have to totally focused on the development of your own physical skills .These qualities may well make a great person.For instant,Mike Tyson,of course,is the most obvious example of this phenomenon.Blessed with money and fame enough to last a lifetime.he spent his time outside the ring acquiring and discarding the bojects of his desire.the dange arises when they think that because they are privileged the can have anything they want.In my opinion,we should choose the better athletes as role models and the wores ones as negatinve models in case of learning from.At least athletes are public peo;le we can achieve as much as we can from their good qualities.As for negative models we can pull ourselves away fromm bad qualities.
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