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根据下面的提示,以“Future Stadiums for Common Peo
根据下面的提示,以“Future Stadiums for Common People in 2080"写一篇120词左右的短文
(提示:1.未来运动场将建在地下,不占用地上空间,而且冬暖夏凉,非常适合运动 2.运动设施非常齐全,每个人都可以找到适合自己的运动项目 3.专门安排机器人陪你运动,比如打乒乓球、羽毛球等,使运动不再枯燥乏味.)
根据下面的提示,以“Future Stadiums for Common People in 2080"写一篇120词左右的短文
(提示:1.未来运动场将建在地下,不占用地上空间,而且冬暖夏凉,非常适合运动 2.运动设施非常齐全,每个人都可以找到适合自己的运动项目 3.专门安排机器人陪你运动,比如打乒乓球、羽毛球等,使运动不再枯燥乏味.)
Future Stadiums for commom people in 2080
In 2080, the stadiums will be far different from the stadiums existing now. The future stadiums will be built underground which can save a lot of space up the gound for other use. The temperature in the stadium will be changing according to the different season, it will always be cool and suitable for sports.Apart from this, it will be well-equipped with all necessary facilities. Everyone can find the kind of sport that he or she enjoys the most..Due to the highly developped technology, there will be robots that are specially for you to do sport with, for example , playing pingpong and badminton. That may be a grand new way of doing sport and can be more interesting than ever.
In 2080, the stadiums will be far different from the stadiums existing now. The future stadiums will be built underground which can save a lot of space up the gound for other use. The temperature in the stadium will be changing according to the different season, it will always be cool and suitable for sports.Apart from this, it will be well-equipped with all necessary facilities. Everyone can find the kind of sport that he or she enjoys the most..Due to the highly developped technology, there will be robots that are specially for you to do sport with, for example , playing pingpong and badminton. That may be a grand new way of doing sport and can be more interesting than ever.
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