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home school 为题写100字左右的作文,很多家长不满应试教育,让孩子在家接受教育,条件:1分析造成现象的原因2分析让孩子在家上学的利弊,3我的建议100词左右,麻烦哪位高手了
nowadays, a majority of parents have doubts on the examination-oriented education,which make an increasing number of students gain a heavy burden in their health and physic develpment. therefore, many parents refutes that and says their chidren might be better if they are being taught in their homes.While, in my opinion, I think both cons and pros of home school exist. parents may not have enough ability to teach student and most of people don't have time to teach their kids. But it is good if children can be tought by their parents because it is a good way to improve their connection with each other. In my view, students should be taught in both schools and homes, besides, schools should change their policies and make it better and useful for students.
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