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求英语作文 【生活中有很多事物会影响人的情绪.你的情绪会受到哪些事物的影响而变化呢?】 开头:
求英语作文 【生活中有很多事物会影响人的情绪.你的情绪会受到哪些事物的影响而变化呢?】 开头:all the things around us can affect my mood.
All the things around us can affect my mood.
Wondering if you're a total buzzkill?
Try this little experiment:Walk into a room.Is the mood of the people in the room better or worse after you've been there for a short time?If it's worse,it's a sure sign that you're projecting some depressive symptoms.Docs can often diagnose depression because they themselves feel worse after talking to a patient with depression.
It's okay to feel depressed sometimes.With more than six billion people on the planet,it'd be a pretty boring place if we all loped around like robotic machines - each with the same appearance,the same fashion sense,and the same preference in coffee flavors.There'd be little spice in life if every single person was a 5-foot-4,purple-skinned,helmet-wearing,latte lover.The beauty of life really centers around the fact that we're not just different from each other,but that we're quirkily different.We have nuances,subtleties,and personality traits that make us three-dimensional.Some of us are laid back,some are stuffy; some of us think jokes about bowels are funny,some don't; some of us like sports,some of us like soap operas; some of us like chicken parmesan,and some of us like chicken parmesan as long it's grilled with no cheese and served with extra sauce.
In fact,minor versions of these disordered behaviors are part of what makes us whole.You can be very sensitive on the way to becoming depressed,you can be very thoughtful on the way to becoming compulsive,and you can hold yourself back from acting out inappropriately and escalating interpersonal conflict on the way to becoming passive aggressive.Extreme versions of mental illness destroy our sense of self-worth and make us feel ugly and useless.
If you look into your own personality Crock-Pot,we're sure that you (and your family and friends) can pick out the main ingredients - the stock that forms your core moral and value system,the chunks that form your personal characteristics,and all the subtle aromas that give you the heat and flavor to make you the only one of your kind.
It's worth taking a deeper look into the emotional roller coasters you may be riding to find out if there are any ingredients that don't belong or if you've added too much spice in some key areas.That is,explore areas in which personality quirks and traits can develop into things that actually can be harmful to you and to others - like depression,addiction,and various behavioral disorders.
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