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外贸英语函电 请给一些付款通知的句型,类似以下:
Please be kind to make payment by cash against documents through bank in favour of Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd. as per the following details.
1. Please draw on us for the amount of your invoice and attache the documents listed below to your draft.
2. We propose to pay by D/A at 30 d/s.
3. We agree to accept the goods in 3 shipments and you may draw on us at 60 d/s from the date of despatch of each shipment.
4. Payment is to be made agains sight draft drawn under a confirmed, irrevocable L/C for the full invoice amount.
5. As the goods undre S / C No. 3456 have been ready for quite some time, please open your L /C without delay.
6. It would be advisable for you to establish the covering L ? C as early as possible so as to enable us to effect shipment in due time.
7. It is our custom to accept orders against confirmed irrevocable letters of credit, valid for at least 21 days beyond the prescribed date fo shipment.
8. It is invariably our policy to execute orders against a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit. For the sake of helping you in promoting sales, we are now giveing you a special accommodation by granting the terms of D / P. You are resquested to effec immediate payment on the presentation of our draft.
9. We have opened an L /C in your favour through the Bank of China for an amount of $ 17,000 to cover the full CIF value of our order No. 743.
10. For the short amount of your L / C No. 90683 opened through the Standard Charactered Bank, we shall not ask you to increase the amount but will draw a clean draft on you for that amount.
11. Considering the small amount involved, we are prepared, as an exception, to accept payment by D / P at sight for the value of your first trial order.
12. For this sample shipment, we will draw on you at 30 days sight but this cannot be taken as a precedent for future shipment.
13. We regret being unable to consider your request for payment on D / A basis, the reason being that we generally accept payment by L /C at sight. Taking into consideration the good relations between us, we are prepared to accept payment for this order by D / P at sight.
14. If the amount of each transaction is below US $ 500 or its equivalent at the conversion rate then prevailing, we agree to D / A 30 days term.
15. Regarding terms of payment, we should like to advis you that payment by collection is acceptable. However, 80% are to be paid against teh presentation of the shipping documents while the remaining 20% are to be paid on presentation of the Acceptance Report signed by the Sellers' engineer and the endusers' representative at the installation site.
... 《外经贸英语函电与谈判》凌华倍, 唐德荣 编著
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