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Does reading great literature expand our imagination and better our moral and social sensibilities? For most people, it’s just wishful thinking because there’s no evidence that people are morally or socially better for reading Tolstoy or other great books.
But just hold on a second there. Actually, there is such evidence, says US writer Annie Murphy Paul. She argues in Time magazine that “deep reading”, as opposed to browsing web pages, makes us nicer and smarter.
Her evidence includes several studies carried out by some psychologists.
One is based in Canada. Two psychologists found that individuals who often read fiction appear to be better able to understand other people, sympathize with them and view the world from their perspective.
But this improvement is only possible if we do deep reading, which isn’t just about understanding the meaning of each word, Paul explains. Deep reading is “slow, devoted, rich in sensory detail and emotional and moral complexity”. Through processing details, comparisons, and other literary device, the reader’s brain creates a mental representation as if the scene were unfolding in real life.
It’s said that reading a good book is like falling in love with the writer. Paul cites another study by psychologist Victor Nell from a university in South Africa, who found that when readers are enjoying the experience most, the pace of their reading slows.
The combination of fast, fluent understanding of words and slow, unhurried progress on the page gives deep readers tie to enrich their reading with their own thoughts, analysis, memories and opinions. It’s as if reader and writer were engaged in a deep and real conversation, like people falling in love.
None of this is possible when we browse web pages. We will eventually lose the ability to appreciate our literary heritage because novels, poems and other kinds of literature can be understood only by readers whose brains are trained to read them. And even some educators just meet young people where they are by adapting education to their onscreen habits.
With the electronic devices spreading universally, Paul warms, deep reading has become an endangered practice. We should care about how we read as much as what we read. So pick up a book, sit back, and let a spiritual journey begin that will take you places only deep reading can.
Deep reading makes people better
Common belief
It has not been小题2: _______ that people are morally or socially better for reading literature.
Present studies
Canadian study
●Fiction readers小题3: _______ to be more considerate towards other people.
●Deep reading helps小题4:_____ a mental representation in the readers’ brain
South-African study
●Deep readers will slow down when their reading experience is most小题5:_______.
●Deep readers can 小题6: _______ their reading with their own thoughts, analysis, memories and opinions.
●Without小题8: _______ their brains to read literature, people are losing the ability to appreciate it.
●Some educators blindly 小题9: _______ education to students’ onscreen habits.
We should care about the 小题10:______ we read as much as the contents.

小题1:Theme/Sbuject/ Topic/Title

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