早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
[1] You are a walking miracle!Yes,you truly are.I know,you feel too fat/ too thin/not successful enough/not clever enough…but you really are good enough,just the way you are.
[2] Forget your hang-ups【障碍;大难题】and take a long slow look around you.There is just so much to appreciate and give thanks for,and appreciation makes you feel fabulous【极好的;绝妙的】,there is no doubt.
[3] I want you to try this,just for today.Today your mantra【颂歌;咒语】is,‘I appreciate my life.’ Say this throughout the day and whenever you remembergive,thanks and count your blessings【count one's blessings(遇逆境)多往好处想;知足常乐】.Notice the difference in your day.
[1] You are a walking miracle!Yes,you truly are.I know,you feel too fat/ too thin/not successful enough/not clever enough…but you really are good enough,just the way you are.
[2] Forget your hang-ups【障碍;大难题】and take a long slow look around you.There is just so much to appreciate and give thanks for,and appreciation makes you feel fabulous【极好的;绝妙的】,there is no doubt.
[3] I want you to try this,just for today.Today your mantra【颂歌;咒语】is,‘I appreciate my life.’ Say this throughout the day and whenever you remembergive,thanks and count your blessings【count one's blessings(遇逆境)多往好处想;知足常乐】.Notice the difference in your day.
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