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根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当 的单词或短语填空,有的需要变换 形式。

include try government ill nature

wild protect in the face of 

    Nowadays many animals (尤其) some (1) ____ animals are in danger. They are (2)____ different difficulties. What do these difficulties (3)____ ? Well some of them die from (4)____ when they are young. Some of them don’t have enough food to eat. Some of them are killed by humans for their meat or fur(毛皮) .To save them the (5)____ of many countries are trying their best. They’ re trying to set up more。(6)____ parks or zoos. WWF is also (7)____ its best. Do you know what WWF is? It's an organization (组织) that protects endangered animals. The TECC is doing its best as well. But its job is not to protect all the animals. Its main job is (8)____ elephants.

1. wild   2. in the face of   3. include   4. illness  5. governments   6. nature   7. trying   8. to protect
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