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英语填空 H:In today's program we have the famous actor,Peter,who _(know)above all for his classical roles on stage,particularly in Shakespeare plays.Peter,was it your choice to appear so often in this type of play?P:Actually,I've always seen myself _an actor,a professional actor_(do)whatever comes along,rather than classical roles,Shakespeare and so on,_of course I do find those wonderful.H:i remember seeing you playing many big _.You _have had lots of words to remember.How can you manage_?P:It was a gift_(origin).I've always had a sort of photographic memory,right from my earliest childhood.My subject at university was history actually,for which_memory is basic.H:Some of your theatre performances have been recorded and shown on TV.Have you ever watched them?P:I've always avoided watching myself anyway.Though i'm satisfied with my performance on stage,I still feel foolish_(see)myself on TV.It makes me feel strange.
is known