| 阅读理解 No one has enough but everyone has all there is.We each have just twenty-four hours in a day.Time is not our problems but what we do with the limited time we have is the issue.Many people spend their days on dozens of activities but achieve very little because they aren't concentrating on right things.The Pareto Principle also known as the 80:20 Rule shows us that typically eighty per cent of unfocused effort generates only twenty percent of the results.The remaining eighty per cent of the results are achieved with only twenty percent of the effort.To effectively manage your time you need to change where you are spending your time.We all have the same amount of time every day.How you spend your time is how you spend your life.Here are time management strategies which may be helpful. Learn to say no Politely say no should become a habit.Saying no frees up time for the things that are most important. Make a “to-do” list List the tasks that need to be done in order of their importance.Save other less important things for when you have time. Minimize interruption Plan ahead.Think through projects.Look for ways to “block” interruptions.For example close your door don't answer the phone or work in a different space. Combine several activities Try to do several activities at one time.While going to school listen to taped notes.This allows up to an hour or two a day of good study review.While showering make a mental list of the things.Above all be creative and let it work for you. | (1) | According to the Pareto Principle we can know that ________. | [ ] | A. | people can't achieve a lot even though they concentrate on right things | B. | people should focus more effort on right and important things and finish them first | C. | people are certain to succeed if they spend twenty per cent of their time | D. | eighty per cent of effort spent on one matter is useless | | (2) | According to the passage if you want to do several things on Sunday you should ________. | [ ] | A. | do them while listening to the music | B. | do all of them at one time | C. | do the most important one first | D. | put some of them off till next Monday | | (3) | The underlined word“block”in the passage means“________ ”. | [ ] | A. | accept | B. | prevent | C. | arrange | D. | defend | | (4) | What would be the best title of the passage? | [ ] | A. | Time Management | B. | The Pareto Principle | C. | How to Make a “To-do” List | D. | Time and Habits | | |
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