You need to write a letter now and then. To be known by another person-to meet and talk freely on the page----to be close despite (尽管)distance. To express the music of your souls.
The first step in writing a letter is to forget guilt (负罪感) of not writing. You don't “owe” anybody a letter. Letters are a gift. Sit for a few minutes with the paper in front of you and let your friend come to mind. Remember the last time you saw each other and how your friend looked and what you said and what was perhaps unsaid between. When your friend becomes real to you start to write.
Write the solution (称呼) - Dear you - and take a deep breath and plunge in (投入). A simple sentence will do followed by another. As if you were talking to us. Don't think about grammar don't worry about form just give us your news. When you come to the end of one paragraph just start a new one.
Don't tear up the paper and start over again when you write a bad line-try to write your way out of it. Whatever is in your mind let it find a way to the page. When you come to the end write “Yours ever” or “Hugs and kisses”.
You'd better get everything ready in a drawer (抽屉) such as envelopes address books and so on so you can write fast when the pen is hot.
(1) Writing letters is said to be a way to ________ .
[ ]
A.shorten the distance between friends
B.make friends in different places
C.express yourself to others
D.smooth away the guilt he owed to his friends
(2) You can see from between the lines of the second paragraph________ .
[ ]
A.getting rid of the guilt is very important before writing a letter
B.many people have to write letters because of feeling guilty of not writing
C.letters are an expression of feeling guilty
D.letter writers are usually feeling guilty
(3) ________ is the first step.
[ ]
A.Thinking of the past days and meeting with your friends
B.Preparing some envelopes and papers in the drawer
C.Thinking what your friends are
D.Thinking what to begin with
(4) In writing a letter ________ the key to the writing of letters.
[ ]
A.letting your thoughts flow on is
B.thinking of long sentences and fine forms is
C.solutions not grammar are
D.careful arrangements of your thoughts are
(5) Getting everything ready beforehand (事先)________ .
[ ]
A.is the first important thing in writing a letter
B.is said to be of great help for you to write very fast
C.will be troublesome during the course of writing
D.will not break your thoughts
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