早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


急需>保证正确Games for English classes
BACK UP Ages 9 - 12
Divide the class into groups of five pupils.Each group sits on the floor in a row,the one behind the other.The front pupils have pen and paper in hand.You give each last pupil a piece of paper with a word,e.g."kitchen".These last pupils start writing the first letter of the word on the back of the kid in front They write with their finger!.This one writes the letter that is felt on the back of the following pupil.When the pupil at the front has felt the letter,h/she writes the letter down.All letters are passed on in this way until the word "kitchen" has been written down correctly by the pupil at the front.You can decide to give e.g.six words in total.Who has passed on and written down correctly the most words after four minutes?Concentration.Sense of feeling.Spelling.Vocabulary.
Prepare a list of appr.20 words that are already known to your pupils.Use these words for this dictation.Pupils have pen and paper.When you say the first word,e.g."picture" nobody is allowed to write down anything.When you say the second word e.g."village",all pupils write down the first word "picture".And so on.Concentration.Memory skills.Working independently.Listening skills.
LOGBOOK Ages 11-12
Introduce a logbook in your class that will be used every English lesson for a certain period of time.Ask a pupil before the lesson starts if h/she wants to write a short text about the English lesson that is about to begin in English.The report is not written during the lesson but afterwards.Two elements should be paid attention to:the general contents of the lesson and a personal opinion of the author related to the lesson as a whole.At the beginning of the next lesson this report is read aloud to the whole class either by you or by the author.Ask somebody else to be the next author.Writing skills.The whole process of your teaching comes to light after a series of reports.After e.g.seven reports you may conclude this activity by having seven different pupils read the whole sequence.
Prepare a series of all too simple questions e.g."How many legs has a dog?" Select four to six pupils from your class that need some extra attention for one reason or other.At the end of the lesson you tell your class that you are going to ask some pupils a silly question to which the answers are very clear.However,nobody is allowed to give the answers straightaway.Only in the next English lesson do they give the answers.Mind you:only the answers are given,the questions should not be repeated.The first pupil only says:"Four".All other pupils should be able to remember the question.Who does?Memory skills.Concentration.
备份年龄9 -1 2
除以班级分成五组学生.各组坐在在地板上,在一排,一个背后的其他.前面的学生有笔和纸在手.你给每个学生的最后一张纸一个字,如“厨房” .这些学生,去年开始写的第一个字母,这个词对后面的孩子在前线,他们写他们的手指!此一写一封信中说,是认为对向下的.所有信件是通过对以这种方式,直到单词“另起炉灶” ,已写下正确的,由学生在前面.你可以决定给予6个字,例如在总.谁已通过,并写下最正确的话后,四分钟?浓度.意识的感觉.拼写.词汇
记忆听写年龄9 -1 2
编写一份名单appr .20话,已经知道您的学生.使用这些字眼,为这听写.学生有笔和纸.当你说的第一个字,如“图片”没有人是不准写下来,任何事情.当你说的第二个字如“村村通” ,所有学生写下的第一个字“图片” .等等.浓度.记忆的技巧.独立工作.听力技巧.
引入日志在您的类将用于每一个英语课,在某一段时间.要求学生之前的教训,如果启动的H /她想要写一简短的文字对英语的教训,这是即将开始的英语授课.该报告是不写期间的教训,但事后.两个要素中应注意的:一般内容的教训,和个人的意见,作者涉及到的教训,作为一个整体.在开始的未来的教训,本报告是朗读给全班同学要么由您或由作者.要求别人将成为下一个作者.写作技巧.在整个过程中你的教学来轻后的一系列报告.之后,如七份报告,您可能会结束这项活动由七个不同的学生阅读完整的序列.
所有太明显的年龄8 -1 2
准备了一系列的一切过于简单的问题,例如:“有多少腿有一只狗” 选择4至6名学生从您的阶级,需要一些额外的关注的其中一个原因或其他.在去年底的教训,您告诉您的阶级,你是要问的一些学生一无聊的问题,这答案是很清楚的.然而,没有人会允许给予的答案直截了当.只有在未来英语的教训,难道他们给的答案.请注意:只给出了答案,问题应该不会重演.第一,学生只说:“ 4 ” .所有其他学生应能记得的问题.是谁呢?记忆的技巧.浓度.