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求一篇英语范文(要原创)Students’ Rating of Their Teachers
Students’ Rating of Their Teachers It's common that students rate theri teachers in the school.Many schools regard th students's rating of their teachers as an important judge standard. There're different attitudes about this phenomenon .The supporters say that the rating can make the relation of the teachers and the pupils more firm,and what's more,the rating can make the teacher pay more attention to the pupils.The opposers think it is unadvisable that the scores don't reflect the truth. Students' rating tend to be partial usually,On the one part ,some pupils rate the low score to the teachers who are strict with them or punish them,and they may rate the high scores to their favorite teachers.To gain the high score,the teachers would lossen the pupils.On the other hand, many pupil may be negligent in doing their rating,and the scores are meaningless. In my opinion, the rating is practicable itself with the corresponding measures,and the schools should set up the regulations to shape to the rating , naturaly,the schools also should take the rates as reference materials in judging the teachers.After all,the rating isn't the only one judge and it's only a method .
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