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舌尖上的中国 英文观后感
A bite of China
A Bite of China is a 2012 Chinese documentary television series on the history of food, eating, and cooking in China directed by Chen Xiaoqing , narrated by Li Lihong with original music composed by Roc Chen. It first aired May 14, 2012 onChina Central Television and quickly gained high ratings and widespread popularity.The seven-episode documentary series, which began filming in March 2011, introduces the history and story behind foods of various kinds in more than 60 locations in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.The documentary has also been actively encouraged as a means of introducing Chinese food culture to those unfamiliar with local cuisine. Various notable chefs such as Shen Hongfei and Chua Lam were consultants on the project.
A second season of A Bite of China, also consist of seven episodes (plus trailer), is set to air from April 18 to June 6, 2014
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