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Some people have said this is Shirley Temple's best film.It's not my favorite but I admit it is very,very good.and it has some of the most touching,wonderful moments of any of her films.In fact,there were several times in the first part of this film that produced tears in my eyes.A funny part of this film is that Heidi receives a music box with her grandfather's house inside it.She has fond memories of him.This is one of my favorite movies of all times.Love of family,love of friends,interesting locations and people all make this a great family movie.And to boot,it's one of Shirley's best,which puts it at the top.Put your sophistication and thinking hat away,and sit back and enjoy the emotions this film evokes
Director Allan Dwan ensured that the book's high points were included in the film & Fox gave HEIDI very good production values - note especially the scenes of village life in Dorfli - and a fine supporting cast:gentle Jean Hersholt,perfect as the old Grandfather,gruff & lovable; droll Arthur Treacher,his comic English butler is definitely not in the original book,but he is hilarious nonetheless; Marcia Mae Jones as crippled Klara; Sidney Blackmer as her wealthy father; Sig Ruman as a police captain and elderly Helen Westley as the blind Grandmother.
Perfect entertainment for youngsters who will probably fall under Temple's spell by the time the movie is over.
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