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《哈利波特》观后感 200~300字(英文版)
Part V, "Harry - Potter and the Phoenix Society", Harry has encountered She Hunguai, the use of the magic. Escorted by a group of shamans to伦敦格里莫Plaza, a mysterious place - Phoenix clubs. He went to the magic of the trial, almost to be expelled from the school. Wumuliqi remove the principal posts, ruled all schools, and constantly interfering in the affairs of the school, they were also let Harry corporal punishment, she is a hate teeth itch. Harry and Ron in HAO Min friend's help, and a small group of students, "Tang Wembley many of the army" in the house responsive to practice magic, learn how to resist the black magic. The first love Harry because Chang and the end of the informants, also subject to corporal punishment at all! Hyde's younger brother is a giant in his grasp when HAO Min, all for the HAO Min Niele Yi Khan, the HAO Min in front of a giant shout out: Would you please put aside! The Giants even Guaiguai her gently on the ground, caused aexclaimed! The original gentle giant has side! From Azkaban prison escaped the Bellatrix, as Professor Fu Demo and Si Neipu duel, killing the protection of the small Sirius Harry, Harry lost the only family that grief and anger , People feel sad, to pay tribute to the small Sirius!
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