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Madagascar 1
I enjoyed the movie “Madagascar “ very much.It tells about several animals who escape the zoo of New York.The four animals all have very interesting characters.The star lion Alex is open-minded and friendly.The zebra Marti is normal and a good friend,the giraffe Melman is funny and a bit stupid,and Gloria the hippo is ladylike and confident.After a long trip through the catch of police,the animals arrive an island called Madagascar,where they make new friends.But some days later Alex becomes more and more hungry that he cannot help to have the desire of eating his friend Marti!Thus Alex wants to go back to the zoo in order to have enough to eat.But finally the friends find a solution and Alex stays while eating fish.
I liked this movie because it is very funny,the pictures are high-qualities and I learned the importance of staying together with my friends and finding solutions together.We should understand each other’s problems and try to help whenever we can.
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