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This is another one of those Michael Moore type documentaries but even more extreme. By that I mean that at first glance, the film seems to completely level whatever it is attacking (in this case its telling us about how we've screwed up our climate) and does a pretty good job at it but when you really focus in on the scientific aspects, you'll find out an inconvenient truth. In this case it is that you don't here the other side of the story and there is a lot to it.
Al Gore is one very good presenter and speaker. He knows how to connect to the audience and how to sell his arguments. But don't be fooled because although there is a lot of truth in what he says and the message is noble, there is more to the story than what Gore bothers telling you. He doesn't do so much lying but simply picks what he says very cleverly and knows what not to say. If you're a bit more familiar with the topic, these things become overly evident.
First of all carbon dioxide. Yes, temperature rises (only 0.6 degrees C over the last century) have gone hand in hand with carbon dioxide level rises but there is more to the story. Firstly only a small part of all the carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is anthropogenic (man made), secondly the effects of carbon dioxide on global warming are logarithmic whereby the more you add, the less effect it has and thirdly, carbon dioxide isn't even the largest greenhouse gas. Water vapor (of which 99.999% is of natural origin) is and is responsible for about 90-95% of the greenhouse effect. Plus he neglects to mention all the astronomical factors that effect our climate such sunspot and sun irradiance cycles and the changes of the earth's tilt and orbit among other things. Now aren't those convenient facts to simply leave out? Then Gore talks about the sea rising by the end of this century by a whole 6 meters (accompanied by many frightening shots of famous locations like New York) being flooded. The United Nations lists a somewhat different figure- 0.48 meters. Gore simply takes the absolute worst case scenario prediction and tells us that that is exactly what is going to happen. Then very cleverly he works in all sorts of horrifying images that he passes off as the effects of global warming. One such example is the drying of lake Chad which according to Gore was caused by global warming. He says the same thing about the Aral Sea accompanied by frightening shots of boats in the middle of the desert. Unfortunately for him, both were caused by the over exploitation of the rivers that fed the lakes. There is more, a lot more.
He constantly uses demagogy to support his points by showing moving images of a drowning polar bear or the completely unrelated topic of his son getting hit by a car. But despite all his inaccuracies and convenient omissions, the message is still sound. We should be looking for other energy sources and he does touch this subject briefly. Perhaps that should have been the main focus of the film.
If you see this film, be aware that there is more to the scientific part of the story than what Gore is willing to talk about. See this to learn how to give a good speech and sell your arguments.
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