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A forever waiting
As far as I am concerned , life is not about how to live through the storm , but how to dance in the rain . However, Hachiko's life is just a forever waiting . Life can be hard , but if we have the determination , we'll finally get to the sunshine . But Hachiko hasn't made it . He has already devoted all his life to waiting his owner for ten years . This is the most thing that has deeply moved me , which I think of much feeling . The story is rearranged by a real story . Hachiko , the dog in this story , was born in Japan in 1923 . As soon as his his master died ,Hachiko was taken back to America . Then he met his new owner Wilson on a snowy day . It was not how cute the dog was but how much attention Wilson had paid to the dog that finally persuaded his life to take the dog . What surprised me was that when Hachiko had grown up , he fetched his owner to work everyday . All these years they played together , bathed together , slept together . To be honest ,I've just already regarded them as a couple . I just feel quite ashamed that I've never made my pet my best friend even if I'm fond of it very much . There was something strange that bothered both his owner and me . Hachiko never get a ball unless there are some special reasons . Unfortunately , Wilson didn't take it seriously . One morning , Hachiko should tried his best to fetch the ball in order to attract Wilson's attention . It was a big pity that Hachiko couldn't tell his owner that he felt something terrible would happen to Wilson .Even if Hachiko had tried to stop him going to work , Wilson still went to the train station after having fun with the dog . " Come on boy , I have to go to work or I ' ll be late . See you at 5 . Stay ! Go home ! " These were the last words in that morning of last day of Wilson ' life . As the result , Wilson ' s family escaped from the old house which always recalled the sweet memories about Wilson . Thus his wife sold out the house and left for another new place to start a new life . Meanwhile , Hachikowas sent to her daughter, but Hachiko always ran out of her house and went back to the train station to meet his owner . Hachiko was so firmly insisted on the engagement that Wilson ' s daughter had to gave up and let it go . During those years , Hachiko had no place to live , just come to and leave the station everyday at the same time . He didn't leave the station until he died ten years later , but he failed to meet his owner . As I have shown , this is a simple story ,was sent to her daughter, but Hachiko always ran out of her house and went back to the train station to meet his owner . Hachiko was so firmly insisted on the engagement that Wilson ' s daughter had to gave up and let it go . During those years , Hachiko had no place to live , just come to and leave the station everyday at the same time . He didn't leave the station until he died ten years later , but he failed to meet his owner .
As I have shown , this is a simple story , but it has moved a lot of people . By no means can we ignore the real loyalty and true love that the story has told us . I feel ashamed again that most of us humanbeings can not be as loyalty as a dog . In my view , loyalty is not what you say but how loyal you are that really counts . So , be loyal !
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