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A Lost Ring
About once a month I have to go to Repford on business.One day I went into a hotel to have something to eat there.The waiter took my coat and put it in a small room.
About an hour later I was ready to go.The waiter brought me my coat.Suddenly something fell out of the pocket on to the floor.It was a small white box.Then I took a good look at the coat.“Oh,you’ve brought someone else’s coat,” I said to the waiter.“It looks very much like mine,but it is quite new,and this isn’t my box either.”
“Oh,then I suppose someone has taken your coat and left his”,said the waiter.“This kind of thing happens sometimes.”
I opened the box.There was a beautiful gold ring in it.So I went along to the police station.
“Has anyone lost a ring?” I asked.
“Yes,said a policeman.“A young man came in this morning.He lost a ring.He bought it in London.”
He telephoned the young man.A few minutes later,the man arrived.
“Yes,this is my ring,” he said.“How can I thank you,sir?You see,I paid a lot of money for this ring in London and then I lost it on the train.”
“But I didn’t find it on the train,” I said.“I have not even been on a train today.I came to Repford by car.
Then I told him the story of the coat.
“You haven’t been on the train.I haven’t been in the hotel.So how did my ring get in the coat?”
“Did anyone sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.
“Yes,there was someone,” said the young man.“But I don’t remember his face.”
丢失的戒指 大概在一个月前我去Repford出差.有天在一家旅馆吃饭,服务员把我的外套放在一个小房间里,当我吃完饭准备离开的时候,他帮我把衣服取来.这时突然从衣服的口袋里掉出一个白色的小盒子.我看了看那衣服...