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速度与激情6 英语观后感
BY 一辈子幸福
BY 一辈子幸福
The movie is far from perfect,in fact it never comes anywhere near it.Technically speaking,some of the night action scenes can be a little dark,and with so much going on between the different players involved,it can get a little confusing.Also,there are some jumps in logic on the parts of the characters that fit the overall story,but you never know exactly how they arrive at their conclusions; clearly a way to keep the story moving from one set piece to the next.Furious 6 even calls back to specific characters and plot points in the technical reboot in Fast and Furious(2010),which isn’t to say you’ll be confused if you haven’t seen it recently,but you’d be better off if you have.
Furious 6 is complete fan service.I imagine a circle of writers watching children playing with toys and taking notes,that is how ridiculous some of the actions scenes are by the end of this movie,and if you aren’t prepared for that level of absurdity,then you haven’t been paying attention.There is even a post-credits scene that I won’t spoil here,but it rivals the Marvel movie reveals we’ve seen.Suffice to say the audience I saw it with stood and cheered as it happened.Furious 6 may not be breaking new ground in film making or even bringing in new fans,but if you’re already on board with this franchise this movie is a love letter to you,and is a must see.
Furious 6 is complete fan service.I imagine a circle of writers watching children playing with toys and taking notes,that is how ridiculous some of the actions scenes are by the end of this movie,and if you aren’t prepared for that level of absurdity,then you haven’t been paying attention.There is even a post-credits scene that I won’t spoil here,but it rivals the Marvel movie reveals we’ve seen.Suffice to say the audience I saw it with stood and cheered as it happened.Furious 6 may not be breaking new ground in film making or even bringing in new fans,but if you’re already on board with this franchise this movie is a love letter to you,and is a must see.
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