早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
2.Cutting the air
When a piece of thread (e.g.,nylon) is whirled around with a small mass attached to its free end,a distinct noise is emitted.Study the origin of this noise and the relevant parameters.
5.Bright waves
Illuminate a water tank.When there are waves on the water surface,you can see bright and dark patterns on the bottom of the tank.Study the relation between the waves and the pattern.
6.Woodpecker toy
A woodpecker(啄木鸟) toy (see picture) exhibits an oscillatory(振动的) motion(移动,动作).Investigate and explain the motion of the toy.
Is it possible to float on water when there are a large number of bubbles present?Study how the buoyancy(浮力) of an object depends on the presence of bubbles.
9.Magnet and coin
Place a coin vertically on a magnet.Incline the coin relative to the magnet and then release it.The coin may fall down onto the magnet or revert to its vertical position.Study and explain the coin's motion.
10.Rocking bottle
Fill a bottle with some liquid.Lay it down on a horizontal surface and give it a push.The bottle may first move forward and then oscillate before it comes to rest.Investigate the bottle's motion.
2.Cutting the air
When a piece of thread (e.g.,nylon) is whirled around with a small mass attached to its free end,a distinct noise is emitted.Study the origin of this noise and the relevant parameters.
5.Bright waves
Illuminate a water tank.When there are waves on the water surface,you can see bright and dark patterns on the bottom of the tank.Study the relation between the waves and the pattern.
6.Woodpecker toy
A woodpecker(啄木鸟) toy (see picture) exhibits an oscillatory(振动的) motion(移动,动作).Investigate and explain the motion of the toy.
Is it possible to float on water when there are a large number of bubbles present?Study how the buoyancy(浮力) of an object depends on the presence of bubbles.
9.Magnet and coin
Place a coin vertically on a magnet.Incline the coin relative to the magnet and then release it.The coin may fall down onto the magnet or revert to its vertical position.Study and explain the coin's motion.
10.Rocking bottle
Fill a bottle with some liquid.Lay it down on a horizontal surface and give it a push.The bottle may first move forward and then oscillate before it comes to rest.Investigate the bottle's motion.
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