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Why this name
"The twelfth night" the name, because the two days after Christmas, January 6, is a holiday, the so-called "12" (Twelfthtide), say again "Epiphany (Epiphany), after the birth of Jesus, the doctor in the east, they came to Bethlehem worship him. On this day, not only the church will inevitably ceremony in court and noble, also often play at home to celebrate this is obviously, Shakespeare for this holiday. So named twelfth night.
3 floor
The twelfth night of the twin sibling west weiaola sixin and distress, successively in sea to yililie. Here the ruler aoxinuo duke is to a man named Olivia Marie stratton proposal, but the noble lady refused. Weiaola to dress like a man, alias places where do the duke's young people. Waitresses Since then, love aoxinuo duke weiaola as the messenger of love, run in aoxinuo youli between student and with her, and his twin brother looks abnormal alike, fix a series of complex and serious love conflicts. Love young squire pinmao weiaola Olivia Marie stratton became weiaola brother's wife, For li has grown unrequited love of aoxinuo duke in found his attendants is a beautiful girl, also recognize her feelings of valuable, and weiaola married. The intricate plot is filled with coincidence, suspense, misunderstanding and substitute stealthily, GaiBan installed in the comedy factors, the center is brave vodka, enthusiasm, pure girl weiaola for independent personality, and in the power of happiness and the relationship between the equality of struggle, she showed ecstasy selfless, character of undying devotion, fully embodies the Renaissance humanists ideal. The full of passion for freedom, love of life, reflect the Renaissance people energetic and aggressive spirit.
The twelfth night is the application technique of Shakespeare's irony, it incorporates almost all Shakespeare before comic creations once used, the representative of irony skills. In the theory of irony in the twelfth night, for the use of success in character, structure, and comedy foil played a very good effect. Generally speaking, in the words by Shakespeare, drama and the irony of the application situation of irony, revealing the theme, shaped characters, optimize the structure, strengthened the comedy. In the words of generalized irony, widely used in Shakespeare's effort by dialogues and implicit meaning, have reached the irony of the characters personality. GaiBan disguise weiaola for being trapped in the words, the implied meaning is more, thus making it more distinct personality traits. In the character of aoxinuo depicts Shakespeare also tirelessly, highlighted the characteristics. Through the introduction of the concept of drama irony, we draw comic effect produced from the audience, and the characters are formed the wonder of contrast. In the twelfth night "in Shakespeare's adopted three kinds of effective ways to achieve this outfit, or comparison: twin brother and sister and mischief, because for the identity of the characters, triggers a series of mistake, and conflicts. Especially in the housekeeper malvolio image of the mold, his absurd false personality in a prank, expose in the audience peals of laughter. From a certain extent situation and set the irony is often closely. Situation can be subdivided into the irony of irony and irony. Events Through the butler malvolio unrealistic expectations were repeatedly frustrated, not only the process of his false personality is depicted to profoundly, and successfully constructed plot development vice line. Weiaola and Olivia Marie stratton of opposite character also controlled by a glance of irony.
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