早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
时间过得飞快,似乎几个月前才进入初三,现在中考(Senior High School Entrance Examination)却近在眼前.请以"Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?"为题,用英语写一篇短文,内容要点如下:
Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?
How times flies!It seemed that we began my grade three only a few months ago,but the Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming soon!
I'm sure we will do well in the coming exam if we try our best!
Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?
How times flies!It seemed that we began my grade three only a few months ago,but the Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming soon!
I'm sure we will do well in the coming exam if we try our best!
Are we ready for the Senior High School Entrance Examination?
How times flies!It seemed that we began my grade three only a few months ago,but the SeniorHigh School Entrance Examination is coming soon!I find the teachers speak more quickly in class now,and we have so much homework and exams that we don't have enough time for after-school activities.(高分句型一:用so…that…固定短语来说明没有进行课外活动的原因)Some students didn't study hard before,but now they have realized the importance of the exam and have put all their effort into study.(高分句型二:用表示转折关系的词but使前后形成强烈鲜明的对比,文章意思也更加清晰明朗.)In the last month,I'll listen carefully inclass and pay more attention to details,and it's also important for us to keepa balance between study and rest. I'm sure we will do well in the coming exam if we try ourbest!(表明信心和愿望)
(80 words)
How times flies!It seemed that we began my grade three only a few months ago,but the SeniorHigh School Entrance Examination is coming soon!I find the teachers speak more quickly in class now,and we have so much homework and exams that we don't have enough time for after-school activities.(高分句型一:用so…that…固定短语来说明没有进行课外活动的原因)Some students didn't study hard before,but now they have realized the importance of the exam and have put all their effort into study.(高分句型二:用表示转折关系的词but使前后形成强烈鲜明的对比,文章意思也更加清晰明朗.)In the last month,I'll listen carefully inclass and pay more attention to details,and it's also important for us to keepa balance between study and rest. I'm sure we will do well in the coming exam if we try ourbest!(表明信心和愿望)
(80 words)
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