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when i was little i have a dream,that is beacome a rech man.at that time i was very naive,so i don't know this is very difficult thing.fortunately,when i was in college found the error.now my goal is to researcher level senior engineer,yes you heard wrong my goal,i think the dream will only make people living in the unreal,but i live in the reality.maybe use my life to achieve my goal,but i don't care,beacause i need to live ,also need to breadwinner.life is hard,but i will stick to it.that's all.
第一句have改为had that is became改为that was to become don't改为didn't
第二句difficult thing改为difficult found前加 I researcher level senior engineer改为become a senior engineer 或get the senior engineer level only去掉 use my life 改成sacrifice my life because i need to````````这句改为 because I'm not only need to live ,but also need to be a breadwinner.
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