早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
欣赏电影《小鬼当街)》,《邻家特工》《楼上的外星人 》,摘抄其中有用的日常句子,每部电影20句.
百度搜 有个十句的 我复制过来了
《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》句:
1.Did the alarm clock ring
2.I don:t wanna get up.
3.Are you awake?
4.Are you feeling sick?
5.Did I keep you up?
6.I am still sleepy.
7.I have to comp my hair?
8.You are wearing your sweater inside out.
9.If you don:t hurry,we all be late.
10.Did you lock the door?
Tell me more about Halloween.
That sounds familiar
Can your mommy do tha
Now see,you wanna be a spy,never tell the truth to the bad guy.
Sorry,I'm new at this
I want Bob to be my daddy
Gillian,your son is Sysco.He booby trap my hairdryer.
Nice hypothesis,but you cannot prove.
No,but I can hurt you!
What embarrassing
Aliens in the AtticHow are these changing?
I don't get it.What do you see in that guy?
I should stay home tomorrow,learn my lesson.
So get some sleep.We're hitting the road at sunup.
I barf in the middle.Remember?
Okay.That is enough.Knock it off,you guys.
That is so sweet of you.I really wish I could.
Try it again,Ricky
Do you really want Ricky as your brother-in-law?
Why can't they see that?
《小鬼当街Baby's Day Out(1994)》句:
1.Did the alarm clock ring
2.I don:t wanna get up.
3.Are you awake?
4.Are you feeling sick?
5.Did I keep you up?
6.I am still sleepy.
7.I have to comp my hair?
8.You are wearing your sweater inside out.
9.If you don:t hurry,we all be late.
10.Did you lock the door?
Tell me more about Halloween.
That sounds familiar
Can your mommy do tha
Now see,you wanna be a spy,never tell the truth to the bad guy.
Sorry,I'm new at this
I want Bob to be my daddy
Gillian,your son is Sysco.He booby trap my hairdryer.
Nice hypothesis,but you cannot prove.
No,but I can hurt you!
What embarrassing
Aliens in the AtticHow are these changing?
I don't get it.What do you see in that guy?
I should stay home tomorrow,learn my lesson.
So get some sleep.We're hitting the road at sunup.
I barf in the middle.Remember?
Okay.That is enough.Knock it off,you guys.
That is so sweet of you.I really wish I could.
Try it again,Ricky
Do you really want Ricky as your brother-in-law?
Why can't they see that?
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