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1.他说的话听起来很好,但不符合实际(sound) 2.顺便问一下,你觉得坐在这里讨论这个问题有用吗?(way) 3.看到动物被杀的情景,我失去了吃肉的胃口(appetite) 4.由于饮食不合理,很多人容易生病(because of) 5.肉含有我们人体生长所需要的维生素和矿物质(contain) 6.由于天热,我们选择了去大连度假,而不是厦门(instead)..感激不尽
1.His words sound nice,but they don't meet the facts.
2.By the way,do you think it's useful sitting here,discussing this question?
3.Having seen the scene where animal were killed,I lost my appetite of eating meat.
4.Many people tend to fall sick because of improper diet.
5.Meat contains the vitamins and minerals we need for the growth of human bodies.
6.Because of the hot weather,we finally chose to spend our holiday in Dalian,instead of in Xianmen.