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请你对太阳系的了解写一段话,要求短文意思完整,语句连贯,不少于6个句子we live
we live a place called the solar system.最好8个-9个句子
We live in a pace called the solar system.The sun is the hottest.The moon is smaller than the earth.the jupiter is the biggest plant in the solar system and it is the heaviest.pluto is the smallest.pluto is usually the furthest,but neptune is sometimes the furthest.venus is nearest to the earth.mercury is nearest to the sun.That's all!
The Solar System (or Solar system,solar system[a]) consists of the Sun and those celestial objects bound to it by gravity.These objects are the eight planets and their 166 known moons;[1] three dwarf planets and their four known moons; and billions of small bodies,including asteroids,Kuiper belt objects,comets,meteoroids,and interplanetary dust.
In broad terms,the charted regions of the Solar System consist of the Sun,four terrestrial inner planets,an asteroid belt composed of small rocky bodies,four gas giant outer planets,and a second belt,the Kuiper belt,composed of icy objects.Beyond the Kuiper belt is the scattered disc,the heliopause,and ultimately the hypothetical Oort cloud.
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