早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Cars of 2000 will travel the nation’s highways in never-before-dreams-of safety,comfort,and convenience.These cars will float along never touching the ground,and therefore will have no need for wheels.
Annoying highway vibrations,caused by the rotations of the disc-and-tire wheels,will be things of the past.The coming highway passenger cars will literally fly above the road,supported on columns of air compressed by turbine-driven fans.
The car without wheels has been called a “flying car”,and,in a sense,that’s just what it is; however,it will not back out of the family garage,start down the street,and then suddenly go quickly upward heading for some distant point.On the contrary,to avoid problems in aerial navigation,the wheel-less vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface.It will travel over fairly rough road and even over smooth water.
The inevitable problems of maritime regulations,severe weather conditions,and running out of fuel in remote areas all will require new concepts of operation,servicing,and vehicle regulation.
1、The author believes that cars of the future _______ .
A、will be replaced by airplanes
B、will have wheels unlike those of today
C、will use columns of air instead of wheels
D、will use wheels without tires
2、Cars of the future will run _______ .
A、without annoying noise
B、without fuel C、much more smoothly D、on a number of fans
3、The car without wheels has been called a “flying car” because _______
A、it travels a few inches above the ground B、it can fly as a plane does C、it moves at a very high speed D、it can travel over smooth water
4、Where is a wheel-less car least fit to travel?
A、Over soft land
B、Over rough country roads
C、Over highways
D、Over waterfalls
5、Wheel-less cars will _______ .
A、eliminate all traffic problems
B、create new traffic problems
C、eliminate parking problems
D、both A and C
Cars of 2000 will travel the nation’s highways in never-before-dreams-of safety,comfort,and convenience.These cars will float along never touching the ground,and therefore will have no need for wheels.
Annoying highway vibrations,caused by the rotations of the disc-and-tire wheels,will be things of the past.The coming highway passenger cars will literally fly above the road,supported on columns of air compressed by turbine-driven fans.
The car without wheels has been called a “flying car”,and,in a sense,that’s just what it is; however,it will not back out of the family garage,start down the street,and then suddenly go quickly upward heading for some distant point.On the contrary,to avoid problems in aerial navigation,the wheel-less vehicle probably will travel no more than three inches above road surface.It will travel over fairly rough road and even over smooth water.
The inevitable problems of maritime regulations,severe weather conditions,and running out of fuel in remote areas all will require new concepts of operation,servicing,and vehicle regulation.
1、The author believes that cars of the future _______ .
A、will be replaced by airplanes
B、will have wheels unlike those of today
C、will use columns of air instead of wheels
D、will use wheels without tires
2、Cars of the future will run _______ .
A、without annoying noise
B、without fuel C、much more smoothly D、on a number of fans
3、The car without wheels has been called a “flying car” because _______
A、it travels a few inches above the ground B、it can fly as a plane does C、it moves at a very high speed D、it can travel over smooth water
4、Where is a wheel-less car least fit to travel?
A、Over soft land
B、Over rough country roads
C、Over highways
D、Over waterfalls
5、Wheel-less cars will _______ .
A、eliminate all traffic problems
B、create new traffic problems
C、eliminate parking problems
D、both A and C
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