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Fall into the well of the fox and the goats A fox fell into a well falling,and no matter how he struggle still can't climb up,had to stay there.
Goat felt very thirsty,come to the well side,saw the fox in the mine,and well is very good drink?
The fox think the opportunity came,exulting in the heart,calm down immediately,to talk well is good,says this is world spring water,sweet and refreshing,and advised goats down quickly,and he drank.
Wanted to drink water of a goat,then thoughtlessly jumped down,when he splash splash after drinking,will have to discuss the way of the well on with the fox.
The fox ready,he archly say:"I should have a method.You use your front foot gathers up the well wall,cover the vertical again,from your back I jumped into the well,and pull you out,we will be saved."
Goat agreed his proposal,fox standing on his hind feet,jump on his back,and then from the Angle of a hard jump,jump out of the mouth of the well.
The fox went up,ready to flee alone.
The goats accused the fox does not keep his promise.
Fox turned toward the goat said:"hello,friend,do you mind if perfect like your beard,you would not be before they didn't see exports jump blindly.
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