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一个句子怎么也翻不好T T
Dragon king of the East Sea predicted that Zhu YunLong would be a emperor.It made the dragon king too intimidated to jeopardize HaiNing people's life by tide.
People then called the very moment in a day before the dawn,when the sky becomes bright ,suddenly moves to darkness again,and then removes to brightness finally ,as the "work-returning time".Zhu YunLong ask his fellows to place the eighteen steely buffaloes from the Jianshan exit of eastern HaiNing to YanGuan,HaiNing.From then on,the dragon king became well-behaved and never break the regulation.
The East China Sea Dragon King knew ZHU Yun later to become emperor ,to see him afraid ,they dare not let the tide of people yanguan scourge .
This morning star flashed three flash ,dark down,this is to tell ZHU Yun ,agreed.Later ,people put a bright light before dawn ,dark a dark dawn again this hour ,called " also wok hour ."
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