早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




    It was a cold wet day on June 6th, 2007, when 14-year-old Wasana arrived at school. Waiting outside his classroom for his classmates to1, Wasana stared at the 2 and then his eyes fell upon the 18-metre-high hill that 3 at the back of the class?room.

He 4 large amounts of rainwater flowing down the hill and water was also bubbling at the base of a rock on the hill. For a few minutes Wasana 5 the wa?ter wondering why it looked so6 . Then it hit him the 7 was similar to the video he was shown during Disaster Management classes. Fearing a 8 dis?aster he shouted 9 at the students waiting outside their classrooms. "Run! Run! Don't stay here! The  10  on the hill is going to fall on us!"

Chaos broke out as the 11 ran to the open area that had been appointed as an emergency gathering point. When some teachers 12 Wasana he showed them the water gushing(涌出)from the hill and they started leading the students to safer ground.

Just then Principal Gurusinghe drove into the school. Wasana ra'n over to tell him what was happening. After 13 the site Gurusinghe knew the school was in  14  The enormous rock at the top of the hill could come crashing down  15 .

16 a group of teachers and older students Gurusinghe climbed the hill and tried to make the water flow away from the rock. They were too 17: ten minutes later they heard screams as the huge rock rushed down the hill. There was little Gurusinghe and his group could do as they watched the earth 18 their classro?oms. Thanks to Wasana's 19 action and careful observation 20 was hurt in the accident.

1.  A.rest                      B. dine
  C. chat                        D. arrive

2.  A.rain                       B. hill
  C. book                        D. sun

3.  A. stood                     B. placed
  C. faced                       D. hid

4.  A. felt                       B. knew
  C. heard                       D. noticed

5.  A.glared at                  B. stared at
  C. shouted at                  D. aimed at

6.  A. dangerous                 B. moving
  C. interesting                 D. familiar

  7.  A. show                      B. view

 C. scene                       D. scenery

8.  A. heading                    B. leaving
  C. going                       D. coming

9.  A.angrily                    B. rudely
  C. happily                     D. loudly

  10.  A. rock                     B. water

  C. sand                       D. tree

11.  A. villagers                 B. students
  C. principals                 D. climbers

12.  A.blamed                    B. questioned
  C. approached                 D. instructed

13.  A. choosing                 B. visiting
  C. examining                  D. clearing

   14.  A. relief                   B. loss

  C. security                   D. danger

 15.  A. at any minute              B. for the moment
   C. for once                   D. at one time

16.  A. Leading                  B. Demanding
  C. Covering                   D. Helping

17.  A. nervous                  B. strange
  C. unique                     D. late

18.  A. swallow                   B. threaten
  C. affect                     D. blow

19.  A. legal                     B. quick
  C. direct                     D. united

20.  A. no one                   B. only one
  C. anyone                     D. someone


VI.  完形填空

[文章大意]十四岁的Wasana早早地来到学校,这时天正下着雨,大量的雨水从山上淌下来。当他发现那些岩石上冒着泡时,他想起了在灾难管理课上看的录像带上的一幕,即泥石流的前兆。他迅速朝等在教室外面的同学喊叫,让他们离开。多亏了 Wasana的迅速行动和仔细观察,这次灾难才没有造成任何人员伤亡。


2. A Wasana盯着外面的雨。因为Wasana在教室的外面,目光最后落在了教室后面的小山上,所以他应是看着外面的雨。

  3. A然后他的目光落在了 *E立在教室后面的一座十八米高的小山上。stand站立,矗立;place放置;face面?J";hide隐藏。

I. D他注意到有大量的雨水从小山上流下来。水在岩石下冒

5. B Wasana盯着(stare at)这些雨水,想着为什么这个场面看起来很熟悉。

6. D dangerous危险的;moving感动的,动人的;interesting有趣的;familiar熟悉的。根据语境可知选D项。

7. C这一幕和他在灾难管理课上看的录像带上的(场面)相似。scene场面,(剧目、场景中的)一幕。

8. D他害怕灾难就要到来,于是向等在教室外的同学大喊。coming即将到来的。这里是指灾难就要到来了,故答案应为D。

9. D angrily生气地;rudely粗鲁地;happily高兴地;loudly大声地。根据语境可知选D项。


  11 B这是在学校里面,所以应为学生们,故答案应为B。

12.C 当一些老师走到Wasana的跟前时,他让老师们看了不断从山上冒出的水,于是他们开始引导学生去更安全的地方。blame责备,责怪;question问及,质问;approach接近 靠近;instruct介绍,说明。根据语境可知选C项。


14.D在校长查看了现场之后,他知道学校有了危险。relief 救济,减轻,缓解;loss损失;security安全,保证;danger 危险。

15.A 山顶上的岩石随时都有可能滚落下来。at any time随时,在任何时候;for the moment暂时,暂且;for once仅此一次;at one time曾经,一度。


17.D他们太晚了,十分钟之后,他们听到了巨响,巨石从山上滚了下来。nervous紧张的;strange奇怪的;unique独特的, 唯一的;late晚的,迟到的。

18 A看着泥土吞没了他们的教室,校长和他的小组无能为力。swallow吞下,咽下。

19.B多亏了 Wasana的迅速行动和仔细观察,在这场事故中没有任何人员伤亡。quick迅速的。

20.A多亏了 Wasana的迅速行动和仔细观察,在这场事故中没有任何人员伤亡。