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口语考试题目: Topic 1
Ways of Learning Please create a dialogue (about 3mins): Situation: A is upset because he is having difficulty catching up with his study. B comforts A and helps A by giving some advices and suggesting some good ways for learning.
A: I am so unhappy.
B: What is it all about then?
A: I am in trouble with my studies.
B: Which part you are not following?
A: All of them, because I had been ill for quite a while, missing too many classes.
B: That's not a problem, since we are studying the courses, I can lend you my notes.
A: Thanks a lot you are my good roommate and good friend.
B: You would do the same if I have similar problems.
A: But my problems started before my illness. I already found it quite difficult to catch up for quite some time.
B: Ah, may be you need to have a better learning plan.
A: What better learning plan, can you teach me how?
B: Well, basically it is just how to use your study time wisely that's all.
A: But how?
B: Allocate your study time according to needs and tackle one problem at a time.
A: You mean concentrate on one subject at any one time?
B: Yes just like eating, don't put too much in your mouth more than you can chew.
A: I think I know what my problem is now. I spent my time on many course works at the same time, and eventually getting none of them done or not the results I would have like.
B: That's right always doing one thing a time. Seek help right away when you have problem of following. Our tutors are more than happy to give advice. I too have the same problems at first, but once I talked to my tutors, my grade improved a lot.
A: Thank you very much, I shall take your advice, and from now on, I shall chew one thing a time, and seek help when I need to.
B: You are welcome. We are roommates and good friends and we should help each other.
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