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口语考试题目:Topic 6
Lifestyle of College Students Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A is doing a survey on the lifestyle of college students.He is interviewing B about studies,entertainments,sports,eating habits,daily spending,social activities,monthly budget and hobbies etc
Interviewer: Hello,thank you for accepting my interview.
Student A: You are very welcome, and what would you like to know about me then?
Interviewer: Very simple questions, first of all, what do study here?
Student A: I am studying computer science.
Interviewer: Do you have spare time for entertaining?
Student A: Very little.
Interviewer: What sport do you do?
Student A: I am in the uni's basketball team.
Interviewer: Do You cook for yourself or do you eat take away food?
Student A: I cook for myself, take away food is not just too expensive but also not healthy when eating too much.
Interviewer: What is you daily spending?
Student A: I only have an average 10 pounds of money to spend per day.
Interviewer: What social activities do you involve in?
Student A: I belong to the uni's drama group.
Interviewer: What are your monthly budget?
Student A: I can spend about three hundred pounds a month, so budget has to be very tight.
Interviewer: Finally, what are your hobbies?
Student A: I like reading and swimming.
Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time.
Student A: You are most welcome.
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