早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1 内容:
In this part you’re required to write a congratulation card on your best friends wedding no less than 80 words.假如你最好的朋友下周将举行婚礼,请据此给他/她写一篇不少于80词的祝贺卡.
In this part you‘re required to write a passage on the title "A little about me" no less than 80 words.请按照题目"A little about me"写一篇不少于80词的作文.
3 内容
Direction In this part you‘re required to write a passage on the title My Favorite Sport no less than 80 words.请按照题目My Favorite Sport写一篇不少于80词的作文.
With much pleasure I come here to manifest a great chance God largess for us,especially for you two,the most exciting and happy couple.With a love-to-death story you start to get on the red carpet and stare on each other's eyes.YOU CAN SHOUT TO EACH OTHER:"I love you so deeply in my heart!
"I am surely believe that you will find your another half-part at any corner of the earth when you loss him or her.Finally best best wishes for you--the sweetest persons today!
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