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v200 813一题答案不一致,
Which two statements correctly describe characteristics of the PortFast feature?(Choose two.)A.STP will be disable on the port.B.Portfast can also be configured on trunk portsC.Portfast is required to enable port-based BPDU guardD.Port-fast is used for both STP and RSTP host portsE.Portfast is used for STP-only host portsAnswer:BD题库中,有两道给出的答案不一样.指教.
记得楼主问过相关问题,考试的时候,选BD就行了.另参照一下,老外的回答:B - The option is right. Portfast can also be configured on trunk ports. There is a special command in Cisco IOS 'spanning-tree portfast trunk' which is used only for Router-on-a-stick trunk configuration and not used anywhere else.D - The option is right. Portfast is used for both STP and RSTP. The default operation mode in Cisco switches is STP with PVST. To configure the mode to RSTP, as per cisco's suggestion, we have to manually configure portfast by the command 'spanning-tree portfast' 查看原帖>>
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