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Do you whether be or not want to have one friend who is in each other's confidence being able to be loyal in friendship?You whether be or not worry about that your friend may make fun of you or ,may not understand you at present difficult position?That Anne · Frank wants has been the first kind type friend ,she should become her best friend thereupon right away with the diary.Anne's Amsterdam living Dutchly in Second World War period.Her one family all is Jew ,hide self therefore they have to they are only capable to do otherwise by Germany Nazi grasp go to.Her and her family has hidden self being found that just now 2 years later.Within this paragraph of time,her unique loyal friend has been her diary.She said "I am unwilling to write down a current account in the diary like most people did.I want to regard this diary as my friend ,I want to call my this friend Kitty ".That state of mind taking a look at Anne during the past now,after going into hiding getting along having taken shelter from more than 1 year.Thursday on June 15 ,1944 Beloved Kitty:I do not know this whether be or not has no way to go out because of I am long reason,I become extremely fanatical to all object relevant to nature.Before I keep a perfectly cleat in memory,azure the sky ,bird's singing ,moonlight and fresh flower,never have caused my heart fan to yearn for.Since I arrive in here,all these has all changed.......In the evening the weather is very warm for instance ,having a day ,I endure to not going to bed partly intentionally at 11 o'clock,moon for being to try to be in a fix alone.Because of but moonlight has been very bright,I do not dare open a window.Still have an once ,happen to right away in a before evening of five moon ,me upstairs,the window is to be coming untied.I always come downstairs while must close a window going to.A pitch black night,is battered by the wind and the rain,lightning and thunder clove the air,I have been lived entirel
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