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关键词:刑法 渊源 分类
关键词:刑法 渊源 分类
[Abstract] :Law is a subject which calls for people to utilize their talent,fulfill their pride,motivate their spirits,and deliver justice.Penal law is no different.The broad definition of penal law is the study of all issues regarding crimes and their legal consequences.The subjects of the study include the actual judicial protocols,causes of crimes and respective solutions,criminal trial procedures,sentencing and executing the sentence et cetera.
[Concept of Penal Law]
Penal law is the judicial regulating system of crimes and their legal consequences.Internationally,though penal law is an accepted term,the term criminal law is also often used.Some scholars believe that the term penal law refers more to the regulating aspect,whereas criminal law refers to the more factual and realistic aspect.But no matter you how you call it,the body of laws described by both terms are the same.
[Concept of Penal Law]
Penal law is the judicial regulating system of crimes and their legal consequences.Internationally,though penal law is an accepted term,the term criminal law is also often used.Some scholars believe that the term penal law refers more to the regulating aspect,whereas criminal law refers to the more factual and realistic aspect.But no matter you how you call it,the body of laws described by both terms are the same.
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