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1 in recent years,academic achievement becomes the most important sign of success in many cultures.as a result,competition among students and among their parents has increased.
2they often are playing loud music while i am trying to study.
3even though the family stucture has changed in recent years,the basic duties of a family have stayed the same for many,many years.
Thank you very much!
1 in(In) recent years,academic achievement(s) becomes(have become) the most important sign of success in many cultures.as a result,competition(s) among students and among their parents has(have) increased.
2they often are(删除) playing(play) loud music while i am trying to study.
3even though the family stucture has changed in recent years,the basic duties of a family have stayed(改称will stay) the same for many,many years(可以换成for ever).
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