早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Language is the primary vehicle of communication; language reflects both the personality of the individual and the culture of his history.In turn,it helps shape both personality and culture; language makes possible the growth and transmission of culture,the continuity of societies,and the effective functioning and control of social group.
Language is the primary vehicle of communication; language reflects both the personality of the individual and the culture of his history.In turn,it helps shape both personality and culture; language makes possible the growth and transmission of culture,the continuity of societies,and the effective functioning and control of social group.
Krech (1962) explained
the major functions of language from the following three aspects:1) Language is the primary vehicle of
communication; 2) Language reflects both the personality of the individual and the culture of his history.In turn,
it helps shape both personality and culture; 3) Language makes possible the growth and transmission of culture,
the continuity of societies,and the effective functioning and control of social group.
2.Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985.
3.Saussure,F.de.Course in General Linguistics[M].London:McGraw-Hill Book Company.1966.
the major functions of language from the following three aspects:1) Language is the primary vehicle of
communication; 2) Language reflects both the personality of the individual and the culture of his history.In turn,
it helps shape both personality and culture; 3) Language makes possible the growth and transmission of culture,
the continuity of societies,and the effective functioning and control of social group.
2.Yule,George.The Study of Language[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.1985.
3.Saussure,F.de.Course in General Linguistics[M].London:McGraw-Hill Book Company.1966.
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