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明十三陵简介 明十三陵是中国明朝皇帝的墓葬群,坐落在北京西北郊昌平区境内的燕山山麓的天寿山.这里自永乐七年(1409)五月始作长陵,到明朝最后一帝崇祯葬入思陵止,其间230多年,先后修建了十三座皇帝陵墓、七座妃子墓、一座太监墓.共埋葬了十三位皇帝、二十三位皇后、二位太子、三十余名妃嫔、一位太监.明十三陵坐落于天寿山麓.总面积一百二十余平方公里.距离北京约五十公里.十三陵地处东、西、北三面环山的小盆地之中,陵区周围群山环抱,中部为平原,陵前有小河曲折蜿蜒,山明水秀,景色宜人.十三座皇陵均依山而筑,分别建在东、西、北三面的山麓上,形成了体系完整、规模宏大、气势磅礴的陵寝建筑群.明代术士认为,这里是"风水"胜境,绝佳"吉壤".因此被明朝选为营建皇陵的"万年寿域".该陵园建于1409~1644年,距今已有300~500多年历史.陵区占地面积达40平方公里,是中国乃至世界现存规模最大、帝后陵寝最多的一处皇陵建筑群.明代时,于途中的沙河镇北,建有七孔石造"朝宗桥".在镇东,则筑有壮丽的"巩华城".该城原为嘉靖皇帝祭陵时中途休息的行宫,现仅存遗址.
About Ming Ming Tombs Ming Ming is a Chinese emperor of the Ming Dynasty tomb group,located in the northern suburb of Changping District,Beijing West in the foothills of the Yanshan Shoushan days.Here for seven years from the Wing-lok (1409) in May before making the Changling to the Ming Dynasty Emperor Chongzhen Finally one burial only to think of hills,which 230 years,has built the tomb of emperor 13,7 princesses's tombs,the tomb of a eunuch.A total of 13 buried the emperor,23 Queen's,Prince 2,more than thirty-Fei Bin,a eunuch.Ming Ming Tombs located in the foothills Tianshou.More than the total area of 120 square kilometers.About 50 kilometers away from Beijing.Ming Tombs is located in East and West,North Hill,a small basin surrounded on three sides,the hill around the mountains,the central plains,hills and turns before winding river,picturesque,scenic.13 imperial tombs of both the mountains and the building were built in East and West,North of the foothills on three sides,forming a complete system,large-scale,the magnificent mausoleum buildings.Warlock think the Ming Dynasty,this is the "feng shui" Places of interest,excellent,"Kyrgyz soil." Construction was selected as the imperial tombs of the Ming Dynasty's "life years domain." The cemetery was built in 1409 1644,now has 300 500 years of history.Hill covers an area of 40 square kilometers,is China and the world's largest existing,most Empress mausoleum building a group of imperial tombs.When the Ming Dynasty,in the way of Shahe Town,has seven holes to build stone "nose bridge." At Zhendong,then there is a magnificent building,"Gonghua City." The city was Jiajing emperor's palace when the rest half-way,are the only remaining sites.
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