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First appeared in the sky or the morning to get up out of the cycling road,when people dilute Kuang Road,Wan Lai silent,and only turn the wheels run over the road to fly issued by the rustle softly,accompanied by his stature alone;
The evening or at night comes,is still unfinished journey day trip,glassy eyes still closely watching the dark in front of the body but also tired Diego weak support;
Or walking in the mountains,wilderness,suffering from extreme to suffering,and often no one around,and for the face never seems to end the long road;
Or moving at pedestrian intertwined,busy city streets,in addition to careful,honest sincere anxiety to avoid fear,the beautiful riding attire,but also some of the secular bear eyes;
Or winter,the cold wind blowing called're cold,numb hands and feet cold;
Or heat,let the sun heat and sweating,dark ...the sun ...
So on and so difficult too numerous to mention,this bike people do not know how many dirty words were said,you have the "nerve" That is compliment,derogatory to add one word:"crazy."
These are not the whole story,after a period of torture,not only did not quit riding the meaning,but a new upgrade targets,but also difficult to embark on a new round of historical way,again and again in this way.Around a lot of people are asking:what cyclists want you in the end?Get?
Cyclists answer was:to fly,get the body's health and spiritual pleasure.)
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