A car ran over an old lady. The driver just sneaked avuay. A ivarm-hearted uuitness called up the police。 The police rushed to the spot soon 25.____________ the accident.And they are 26.___________ (ask) him for some details.
(P — policeman; W —uuitness)
P: You have seen the whole thing haven't 27.________________ ?
W : Yes. I was just several 28.____________ (foot)away when the accident 29._______(happen).
P : How did the lady get run over?
W : She was crossing the street when a car dashed at her. It was too late when she realized that.
P: Was the light green or red?
W : Red for sure. So the lady didn't pay 30.______________to the car coming towards her at all. The driver should have stopped his car or 31._____________ least have warned the lady by whistling.
P- Could you describe 32.____________ the driver was like?
W: Sorry. It happened all in a sudden. But I no?ticed the car plate. The first seemed to be "G,"
P: Thank you. You've helped 33. _________________ (great). Is it OK that we would ask you again for proof or something else 34.____________ needed?
W: No problem. My name is Linda Bells. My tel?ephone number is 785416363.
P : Thanks again. Bye!
W : Bye!
25. _________ 26. _________ 27. ___________
28. ____________ 29. ____________ 30.___________
31. ____________ 32. _________ 33. ___________
34. _________
25. after 26. asking 27. you 28. feet
29. happened 30. attention 31. at 32. what
33. greatly 34. when
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