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matlab simulink仿真出错,求高手解答!
solve configuration 高亮,显示错误如下,求高手帮助,不胜感激!Not enough input derivatives were provided for one or more Simulink-PS Converter blocks associated with the highlighted Solver Configuration block, for the solver chosen. Implicit solvers (ode23t, ode15s, and ode14x) typically require fewer input derivatives than explicit solvers, and local solvers never require any. You can provide more input derivatives by selecting different options (including turning input filtering on or increasing the number of user-provided input derivatives) on the Input Handling tab of Simulink-PS Converter blocks linked below:
...'newdoublesynch/Brake/Input torque/Simulink-PS Converter' (2 required, 0 provided)
...'newdoublesynch/Motor zhhuanju /Simulink-PS Converter' (2 required, 0 provided)
solve configuration 高亮,显示错误如下,求高手帮助,不胜感激!Not enough input derivatives were provided for one or more Simulink-PS Converter blocks associated with the highlighted Solver Configuration block, for the solver chosen. Implicit solvers (ode23t, ode15s, and ode14x) typically require fewer input derivatives than explicit solvers, and local solvers never require any. You can provide more input derivatives by selecting different options (including turning input filtering on or increasing the number of user-provided input derivatives) on the Input Handling tab of Simulink-PS Converter blocks linked below:
...'newdoublesynch/Brake/Input torque/Simulink-PS Converter' (2 required, 0 provided)
...'newdoublesynch/Motor zhhuanju /Simulink-PS Converter' (2 required, 0 provided)
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