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我们有在一次Credo的夏令营中见过,记得你曾经学过network essentials这门课,目前我要为这门课写一篇2500字的Case study report.不知道你那时候有没有写过report,那份report还在不在,如果在的话能否电子邮件我.我知道我们的case study应该是不一样的,但是我可以从你的report中了解以下写这一篇report在写作方面的技巧.
Hi,we met at Credo camp,hope you still remember me,I remember you take the subject 'network essentials' last semester,I take this subject this semester and I need write a case study now.Did you also write a report when you study it?did you keep the report?I know our case studies must be different,but actually I know how to answer my case studies but I don't not how to write it in 2500 words,so I want to study some writing structure via your report.So,could you send me your report if you still keep it?I would be very appreciate that.Thank you.
你好,我们有在一次Credo的夏令营中见过,记得你曾经学过network essentials这门课,目前我要为这门课写一篇2500字的Case study report.不知道你那时候有没有写过report,那份report还在不在,如果在的话能否电子邮件我.我知道我们的case study应该是不一样的,但是我可以从你的report中了解以下写这一篇report在写作方面的技巧.谢谢.
Hi, we met at Credo camp, hope you still remember me, I remember you take(took 是过去式) the subject 'network essentials' last semester, I (take要改为 am taking) this subject this semester and I need (要加to) write a case study now. Did you also (have to 可加可不加) write a report when you study(studied 过去式) it? did you keep the report? I know our case studies must be different, but actually I know how to answer my case studies (but为免重复,应改为 only that) I don't (去掉not 加上know) how to write it in 2500 words, so I want to study some writing structure via your report. (去掉So) could you (please要礼貌一点) send me your report if you (要加are) still keep(用 keeping) it? I would be (very 改为most) appreciate(d) (去掉that). Thank you (very much可加可不加).

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