早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Yesterday I went to see my childhood friends Li Gang and invited to have lunch at his home.At the table,Li Gang complained what the dishes were not delicious,but talked to his parents impolitely.He also asked them for 500 yuan.It was such much money that his parents refused.Li Gang became very angrily.I felt very uncomfortable and found the excuse to leave.When I returned to home,I wrote him a letter.I tell him he should respect his parents and never behave like that.I hope she will follow my advice.
Yesterday I went to see my childhood friends Li Gang and invited to have lunch at his home.At the table,Li Gang complained what the dishes were not delicious,but talked to his parents impolitely.He also asked them for 500 yuan.It was such much money that his parents refused.Li Gang became very angrily.I felt very uncomfortable and found the excuse to leave.When I returned to home,I wrote him a letter.I tell him he should respect his parents and never behave like that.I hope she will follow my advice.
Yesterday I went to see my childhood friends (friends 改为 friend,单数)Li Gang and (加 was,被邀请)invited to have lunch at his home.At the table,Li Gang complained what (what 改为 that,宾语从句内不缺句子成分,所以用 that)he dishes were not delicious,but(but 改为 and,是顺承,不是转折) talked to his parents impolitely.He also asked them for 500 yuan.It was such (such 改为 so)much money that his parents refused.Li Gang became very angrily(改为形容词 angry).I felt very uncomfortable and found the (the 改为 an,第一次提到,一个借口)excuse to leave.When I returned to (去掉 to,因为 home 是副词,副词前面一般不用介词 )home,I wrote him a letter.I tell (tell 改为 told,过去告诉)him he should respect his parents and never behave like that.I hope she (she 改为 he)will follow my advice.
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