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About failure
Failure is actually a daily occurrence to everybody.Scientists may fail in experiments; workers may fail in turning out qualified products; farmers may fail in one crop and teachers may fail in one class,even those pop singers may fail at a certain performance.That is a really a very natural thing to happen.No one would always be correct and do nothing wrong."Even Homer sometimes nods."
Some people hold that failure is not a bad thing.They say that it can give people warning and inspire people ta greater efforts;and people can draw lessons from failures and,to become more cauitous in order to do things better.An English proverb says,"Failure is the mother of success." The turth in this proverb has been proved again and again by countless facts.So many inventions and new products are results of years of experiments.
Some other people think in a different way .They say failure can discourage people which will bring bad effects to their later work.Many peole become terribly beaten by failure and some even lost heart forever.Thus,they are very afraid of failure;they try to avoid it and try not to accept it.And sometimes they would even deny it when that really occurs.
In my opinion,failure must have its reasonable causes.Only when you find out the real cause.can you really draw lessons from it and go on to success.A middle schoolgraduate who has failed in college entrance examinations must be able to find out that he is still weak in certain knowledge or he lacks experiences in taking exams or he doesn't know proper ways in studying.He is sure to succeed next time when he really gets to know what he needs to do.In a word,failure is not necessarily a bad thing.
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