早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
By Pearl Buck
Hawaii,our newest State,is not as distant from the mainland as it may appear.It used to seem very far away when I was a small girl traveling with my parents by steamship across the Pacific Ocean long ago.It is in fact something over two thousand miles from San Francisco,nearer than the latter is from Washington,D.C.or New York.Today,in a few hours,we mainlanders can reach Honolulu,the capital,by air.
How many happy visits I have spent in that lovely city,hanging like a jewel or like a basket of flowers,to the cliff-like mountains towering above it!The whole picture is striking and brilliant---the glittering blue sea,the rushing white surf,the colorful buildings and the high mountains with their deep dark valleys,those mountains whose heights seem always to be hooded in black clouds.
作者 赛珍珠
我在这个可爱的城市观光过许许多多次,它就像挂在高耸峻峭的群山上的珠宝或花篮!整个画面妩媚灿然 --- 波光粼粼的蓝海,前推后涌的白浪,五彩缤纷的大楼.高山巍巍,幽谷深深,山巅好像一直笼罩在乌云之中.
By Pearl Buck
Hawaii,our newest State,is not as distant from the mainland as it may appear.It used to seem very far away when I was a small girl traveling with my parents by steamship across the Pacific Ocean long ago.It is in fact something over two thousand miles from San Francisco,nearer than the latter is from Washington,D.C.or New York.Today,in a few hours,we mainlanders can reach Honolulu,the capital,by air.
How many happy visits I have spent in that lovely city,hanging like a jewel or like a basket of flowers,to the cliff-like mountains towering above it!The whole picture is striking and brilliant---the glittering blue sea,the rushing white surf,the colorful buildings and the high mountains with their deep dark valleys,those mountains whose heights seem always to be hooded in black clouds.
作者 赛珍珠
我在这个可爱的城市观光过许许多多次,它就像挂在高耸峻峭的群山上的珠宝或花篮!整个画面妩媚灿然 --- 波光粼粼的蓝海,前推后涌的白浪,五彩缤纷的大楼.高山巍巍,幽谷深深,山巅好像一直笼罩在乌云之中.
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