In ancient times,the goddess Vesta protected the Italian people.The women who served the goddess could not marry and had to keep her sacred fire burning all day and all night.If the fire went out,disaster would come and the woman who had let the flames go out would be put to death.
Rhea Syloia was a vestal woman,she was also very beautiful.One night the god Mars appeared to Rhea Syloia in all his masculine glory.While they were making love the fire went out,the people were terrified.“Kill Rhea Syloia,”they yelled.However,she was pregnant with the god's twin sons and the law said that a pregnant woman could not be executed until her babies were born.
Months later Rhea Syloia gave birth.She named the boys Romulus and Remus.A few days after their birth,she was buried alive and her baby boys were put in a basket and set adrift on the Tiber River.The law said babies could not be executed,but the people were afraid to keep them.
The basket drifted down stream and got caught in needs and bullrushes along the river bank,the babies had not been fed for hours and began to cry.
A she-wolf who had just given birth to wolf Cubo,heard the babies crying.Wolves were the sacred animals of Mars and the she-wolf could smell the god in the babies as she suckled them,gave them her milk and carried them one at a time from the river to her cave.She raised them with her own baby Cubo and saved their lives.
One day a farmer found the wolf's cave and took the boys home.He raised them as his own sons.
When they were grown men,they founded and built the city of Rome.In an argument over its name,the brothers fight.Romulus hit Remus over the head with a shovel and killed him.Then he named Rome after himself Romulus.
Finally to honor his mother and father he made Mars and Vesta the special gods of the new city,Rome.For its symbol,he designed a statue of a wolf suckling two baby boys.This statues is the symbol of Rome even today.
Rhea Syloia是一个美丽的侍女。一个夜晚,火神Mars尊贵非凡地出现在她的面前,他们坠入爱河。就在那个夜晚,圣火熄灭了。人们惊恐万状,纷纷叫嚷:“处死Rhea Syloia!”而那时Rhea Syloia已怀有火神的一对双胞胎。法律规定孕妇只有在产下婴儿后才能被处极刑。
几个月后,Rhea Syloia产下婴儿,她给孩子起名叫Romulus和Remus。孩子出生后没几天,Rhea Syloia就被活埋了。法律规定不能处死婴儿,但人们不敢留着孩子,于是他们把这两个男孩放入篮中置于Tiber河。篮子卷入溪流中,沿河岸顺流而下。孩子几个小时没被喂奶,开始啼哭。一只刚刚产下狼崽Cubo的母狼听到了啼哭。狼是火神的圣兽。母狼在用自己的奶喂这两个婴儿时觉察到他们身上神的光辉。母狼把婴儿一个一个衔回窝。她救了他们的命,并把他们和自己的孩子一同喂养。一个农夫发现了狼窝,他把两个男孩带回家,并把他们当亲生儿子一样抚养。
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