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Are there migrant workers ( 外来务工人员 ) in your city? Do you ever laugh at them?
If you live in Beijing the l_______(1) has to end. The new rules for Beijing students say kids must stop making f_______(2) of migrant workers.
Many migrant workers have dark faces. They wear old clothes. And they speak their own dialects( 方言 ). They are so d_______(3) from the big city people. Big city parents have nice office jobs the stores sell nice things and the kids wear nice clothes.
But do you know w_______(4) migrant workers came to our city? They could not f_______(5) a job in their hometown. Now they have to make money to send to home. They live far away from their families.
These workers are helping make our cities look g_______(6). In Beijing there are about 4 million migrant workers. They are b_______(7) the new subway and roads. They are putting up new apartments and office buildings. They are one of the reasons why Beijing has become such a big m_______(8) city.
Our city is just a small part of the big country. There are lots of kinds of people in China with different lives and different p_______(9). So don't just look down upon someone who is different. Try to respect ( 尊敬 ) them and u________(10) them.
1. l__________ 2. f_________ 3. d_________ 4. w________ 5. f_________
6. g_________ 7. b________ 8. m_________ 9. p________ 10. u_________
1. laughing 2. fun 3. different 4. why 5. find
6. great 7. building 8. modern 9. problems 10. understand
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